Tuesday, November 9, 2010

type of poem

Socializing to get a goal, so then they have to pass the soccer ball to try and score some points.
Outstanding sport to play, for people that like to run, pass a ball, and have fun.
Congratulations to winning the game and then cheer and high-five each other good job.
Circular is the shape of the normal, colored black and white soccer ball.
Energy that the children have to run around the field.
Running around the green, grassy field with the person's cleats on and ripping out junks on grass.

others i did when i was done:

Fantastic to play this sport if you like to tackle people, pass a ball, and have fun
Outstanding teams to play on
Offense is the team that has the foot ball
Terrific plays that the team plays when they are running and get very far
Badly injured players, from being tackled to the ground hard
Any NFL player that is good enough to make the team can play
Laughing out loud when you get a touchdown and cheering for your team
Loud music plays from the stadium, that bursts out and everyone can hear