Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Madison Pribyl
Have you ever seen or heard anything suspicious? If you have imagined something and then found out there was nothing there, you might think you’re insane. Then if you go see a doctor, that doctor probably can’t help you. You will have to live your life knowing something is wrong with you, that you can’t help with.
Although seeing strange objects, you will become to believe your brain and eyesight are messing with you. Even if you start to think you’re going insane, there probably is a reason why you are seeing things that aren’t truly there. You might have some type of sickness, or you just miss something or someone. There is a chance that you will most likely have a sickness with you that you may or may not be able to help with, but if you do have an illness and the doctor tells you what you may have, the illnesses name is most likely Schizophrenia Disorder. This disorder contains hearing sounds that aren’t even there and also coming across seeing things that are also not there.
While possibly having this disorder you may not have a lot of movement for long periods of time. Also you won’t be able to speak at some moments in time. Another symptom is that you think that other people will try and hurt you just because of the illness you have. There are many more symptoms that you may gather when you have this Schizophrenia Disorder. Most of the time men get this poor health symptom rather than women. The men start to get this disease around their early 20’s. Women start to gather it in their late 20’s, early 30’s.
When I was enjoying a book called “Shadow Kiss” by Richelle Mead, there’s a part that reminded me of this disorder. The main character of the book thought she saw a friend of standing a few yards away, but this friend was dead. She thought she was going insane on by seeing him still alive. She struggled with the thought of thinking he was still alive, without anyone knowing it. When I had read this part, I thought of Schizophrenia Disorder. I also had a connection to that part of the book because I hear and see things that can’t be explained. I thought I was going insane, but then I just misunderstood what I heard and saw. Many people do the same that I had done, but this is normal.
When you may have seen or heard objects you might think you’re insane. Then you will believe you can’t do anything to help yourself, but when you truly consider it, you may ask a doctor and ask what has been happening to you. If the doctor cannot help you with your problem, people may imagine that you’re insane and that you can’t do anything to help yourself.