Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Outsiders

Authors Note: I am going to discuss what has happened with Dally.

In the streets of the East-side of town, a massive group of people named the “Greasers” all hang out around town. While on the other side of town, the West-side, there is a group of people named the “Socs”. This group of people, are the Greasers enemies, just because they have everything and they don’t. Socs have education, money, cars, clothes, and many other objects that the Greasers can’t afford, or they just can’t have them.

Greasers drink and smoke and do many terrible things. These Greasers do have some trouble makers in the group, but only a few. Most of them have jobs, or go to school, but almost all of them do drink and take drugs. One of the top trouble makers in town is named Dally. He drinks and takes drugs every day. He vandalizes property whenever he is bored or gets mad. Dally does not live in a home, because his family members don’t enjoy him around and he didn’t enjoy living there anymore. Also, he is un-educated and hasn’t gone to school in a few years.

Even though Dally does many of these things almost every single day, he is a good person inside. He cares about his group of friends, more like brothers, and he treats them with respect, most of the time. Yes, he doesn’t truly like all of the people in his gang, but he will protect them know matter what happens.

Johnny and other street goers look up to Dally, because they all think he’s a tough/tuff man. Some of them wish they had the encouragement and skills to law-break and do other things that make up Dally’s reputation. But Dally is one of the best, tough people around the Greasers.

The Greaser’s, a huge group or gang of people that live in the East-side of town, have bad reputations. Greasers can’t afford the same things that the Socs can. The Socs are the enemies of the Greasers and neither of them gets along well.


  1. Very well written, I like how you put the pros and cons about Dally

  2. Some of the sentences were a little confusing where if I didn't read the book I would have been able to make logic of what I was reading. There were also some minor errors all of over. I liked the intro and everything else though. Nicely written piece!
