Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rachel Marsh v.s. Chloe King

Author’s Note: Between “The Fifth of March” and “The Nine Lives of Chloe King” the main character in these stories are similar, but also different.

Between these two magnificent stories, “The Fifth of March” and “The Nine Lives of Chloe King” these two books have the same themes of bravery, confidence, and the effects of war. There are similarities and also differences between the main characters. For starters, Rachel Marsh is a maidservant for a family in the late 1700’s. While, on the other hand Chloe King is an ordinary high school girl, in the present time.

Meanwhile Rachel is feeling stressed out, and confused about everything in her life. She doesn’t know what to do with her life anymore, and she doesn’t know if helping her friend, Matthew Kilroy, is hurting everyone around her with her actions. While Chloe is having the emotions of being too stressed out to handle anything in her life anymore. She wishes she could forget everything that’s been happening to her, and go back to her normal life; before she found out she had to rule an ancient industry with “cat people”. Therefore both of the main characters in these marvelous novels have somewhat of the same emotions regarding their lives and what has been going on in these two books.

In one case in the beginning of books, Rachel was a shy maidservant girl that works for the Adam’s family, while Chloe was a shy girl with her family and friends and people at school. In both books, both of the characters learned how to speak their minds clearly and sternly, and doesn’t care what people think of them anymore. Rachel and Chloe just have different reasons of why they changed. Rachel was sick of not being listened to, and Chloe had to change to run the university, because she apparently is their leader.

Almost every book ever created has differences, so therefore these two main characters have differences. When Rachel first moved to Boston, she had only made friends with the Adam’s family and a girl named Jane. Chloe likes to hangout and talk to older women and men, than talk to younger ones. Her friends are teaching her the ways of life, and how she should act. On the other hand, Chloe has two best friends and her mother. They are always there for her, and they never leave her side. Her best friends are just like her, so they can’t tell Chloe how to act. Unlike Rachel is trying to learn how to educate herself, while Chloe is being educated from going to school.

Rachel Marsh and Chloe King have interesting lives in front of themselves. In the novels “The Fifth of March” and “The Nine Lives of Chloe King” they have to figure out what role they play in their lives.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Author’s Note: In the book “The Fifth of March” there are many conflicts within the story. Between fighting for what people believe in, or losing friendships.

Whether or not you are Americans or the British, you will want to fight for what you believe in. This will cause riots, because everyone wants the citizens, or townspeople to choose which side they are on. With all of these conflicts in the book “The Fifth of March” people will be soon to die, or tragedy will come upon people’s lives.

When you start to first read this story, you’re most likely are wondering what side, the British or the Americans, that the main character is on. Rachel, the main character, has not decided what side she is on, and what side she should fight for. She ponders this in her head every day, when the British troops first traveled to Boston. Later on, her friend Jane, helps her decide. Because of this, Rachel thinks she is an American, and she will fight for what she believes in.

During this time, if you did not pick the right side, you might get in a fracas or a riot between the two sides. Anyone in Boston could have gotten hurt from these fights. They have been happening a lot lately around town, because everyone wants freedom and they have all chosen sides, and they are finally fighting for what they believe in.

Some people have made friends with the soldiers, such as Rachel. Rachel has fallen in love with a soldier named Private Matthew Kilroy. She has become friends with him, but he has also fallen in love with her. Rachel has also made friends with citizens around town, but either they have passed away, moved, or not talking to her as much anymore with all of the problems going on around Boston. Even if Rachel was able to hang around all of her friends, there are still a few conflicts with the way things are going on.

Between fighting with everyone, and for what you believe in, you may or may not lose the people you love in your life. In the story “The Fifth of March” the citizens that live in Boston have lived in crisis the past 2 years. There are too many conflicts for some people to handle.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fifth of March

Author’s Note: I want to talk about what people feel and think about the book I am reading at the moment. The book “The Fifth of March” discusses the troubles that happened when the British troops traveled to Boston and stayed for a few months.

In “The Fifth of March” Rachel Marsh has just transferred to Boston, because of her monstrous Uncle Jeb. Both of her parents died when she was younger, and now her uncle is the authority of herself. She is having troubles throughout her lifetime lately, and she is confused about what she should try and do.

As you may presume Rachel is the narrator for this storyline of the book. Therefore, this chronicle is a story about Rachel’s life, and her point of view of the world. She takes the events in her life, and possibly recreates them to her style. It may have an effect on what actually happened, or it may not. Rachel thinks certain ideas and thoughts, and she lives her own lifestyle.

This paperback may, or may not get the reader’s emotions going, but I know it did for me. It has many vivid images that you can picture in your mind, for what is happening. Rachel’s emotions most likely effect how you feel about other characters in the storyline. Such as, Rachel doesn’t like her Uncle Jeb, because it seems like he does not care for her, and all he wants is her inheritance from her parents. Therefore I predict that almost everyone that reads this story won’t like him either. It all depends on how the main character feels about everything, then that’ll affect how the reader’s see the story.

In other words, if Uncle Jeb was the narrator, or main character of the story, I supposed he would tell everything different. From the day he moved to Boston, to now when he got attacked from a mob of strangers. He would most likely tell his side of how he feels about Rachel, but he tries to hide it from her. He would also inform the readers on how he lives these days selling and making clothes and shoes.

Formally most books have one main character, and that main character notifies the reader’s about their lives, as you can see. The main point of view of a story or tell-tale forces the readers to imagine just one side of the story, for an event or topic. So you can see that in “The Fifth of March” Rachel Marsh has a different view point from any other character in the story.