Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Author’s Note: In the book “The Fifth of March” there are many conflicts within the story. Between fighting for what people believe in, or losing friendships.

Whether or not you are Americans or the British, you will want to fight for what you believe in. This will cause riots, because everyone wants the citizens, or townspeople to choose which side they are on. With all of these conflicts in the book “The Fifth of March” people will be soon to die, or tragedy will come upon people’s lives.

When you start to first read this story, you’re most likely are wondering what side, the British or the Americans, that the main character is on. Rachel, the main character, has not decided what side she is on, and what side she should fight for. She ponders this in her head every day, when the British troops first traveled to Boston. Later on, her friend Jane, helps her decide. Because of this, Rachel thinks she is an American, and she will fight for what she believes in.

During this time, if you did not pick the right side, you might get in a fracas or a riot between the two sides. Anyone in Boston could have gotten hurt from these fights. They have been happening a lot lately around town, because everyone wants freedom and they have all chosen sides, and they are finally fighting for what they believe in.

Some people have made friends with the soldiers, such as Rachel. Rachel has fallen in love with a soldier named Private Matthew Kilroy. She has become friends with him, but he has also fallen in love with her. Rachel has also made friends with citizens around town, but either they have passed away, moved, or not talking to her as much anymore with all of the problems going on around Boston. Even if Rachel was able to hang around all of her friends, there are still a few conflicts with the way things are going on.

Between fighting with everyone, and for what you believe in, you may or may not lose the people you love in your life. In the story “The Fifth of March” the citizens that live in Boston have lived in crisis the past 2 years. There are too many conflicts for some people to handle.


  1. Very well done! I like the way you organized this essay. You could have made it shorter if you wanted. But it is well written.

  2. Very Good! This piece was very detailed and well organized.
