Monday, June 4, 2012

Duck story

Today was a sunny, bright morning where the birds chirp and the cars drive by on the road. I start to waddle over to my pond that is only a few yards away; where the water-lilies  are bright green with the bees flying around the white and pink flowers floating in the water. The misty air that covered the grassy green floor is hard to breathe in at first, but after only a moment of walking, I could finally breathe yet again. My duck friends are already gathered around the petite pond, so I quack towards them, and they all turned. Quickly I waddled even faster towards them, so I could get a spot in between, to swim.

Once I finally reached the edge of the water, I jumped as hard as I possibly ever could, and landed directly on a water-lily. I came up from going under-water and realized I could barely move my wings. All of the ducks were starring at me, and I had to idea why. When I looked down at myself, I had a gooey green substance all over myself, and I realized I had a small frog on my head.

 I didn’t care if I couldn't fly, but man was the frog annoying just sitting on my head. So I shrieked my loudest quack and the frog got off and into the water. Of course, I had to chase after it. It was like a game between us. So I chased after this little frog, until I realized where this chase was headed to.  I slowed my pace down, because I almost just got hit by a car! I cannot believe a gigantic car would try to run over a sweet little innocent duck like me! Curse them.

On my way back from chasing after the frog, I realized everyone was swimming in the substance I just was. It was so much fun when I jumped in too! My duck friends and I played together all day, until it started to become dark.  I was beginning to yawn, so I called it a night.


  1. This was so good i really liked it yeah there was a few sentences that didn't flow but it was so good!

  2. wow you did a great job writing about a duck i didnt really think you would have been able to write about a duck
