Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Best Child

Madison Pribyl
Best Child
Imagine becoming a great child all of a sudden and your parents keep questioning you why you’re acting like the best child in the world. You tell them why, but they don’t believe that you are telling them the truth. Even when we children tell the truth our parents still don’t believe until they see the actual truth, then they finally believe.
When, us the children, happen to stumble upon something strange or creative, we most likely run up and tell our parents. Though if they think we are lying to them we would have to show them proof. In the story “Deep Water” by William O. Douglas, the character William was going on a jog in his thick woods about a mile from his house. While he was jogging he noticed some blue water a few yards away, when he looked up from the muddy and sticky ground that is always full of leaves and sticks. William walked over to the water and noticed then that it was a huge lake. He was amazed by its beauty and that he has never seen this lake before.
This was one of the most amazing sights he has ever set his eyes on, he thought. All of a sudden he was becoming hot because he was standing in sunlight. William took off his shirt and dived into the lake without thinking. He was hot and he had a thought of swimming in this beautiful lake for at least a few minutes. While he was swimming he noticed some fish around him, but one stuck out, out of all of them. This fish had so many bright colors on itself that William went straight towards it and picked it up from the water. The fish was squirming in his hands, but all of a sudden the fish stopped, starred at William and then said “Why are you holding onto me?! I can barely breathe!” William screamed, dropped the talking fish, and ran away out of the water.
Meanwhile he ran out of the lake and to home. He was so freaked out that he didn’t even look back. William ran all the way home, while tripping on some sticks getting there. Once he finally got home he ran into his room and sat down on his bed. William’s parents both came into his room all of a sudden and went right towards him. He told them what happened and they thought he was joking around. The parents didn’t take him seriously so they left him.
After a few hours William ran back to the lake and tried to find the talking fish, which scared him before. While searching for the magical talking fish, he started towards the deep, sea weeded area of the lake. A fish showed up, but William could barely see if it was the correct fish that he wanted. This fish came up and started talking, so therefore William knew that this was the fish he has been hoping to find for at least an hour now. When the talking fish started to say hello, William grabbed him and ran. He ran forever until he returned to his house and put the colorful fish into a bowl. He yelled at his parents to come and see what he brought home. When they came running towards him he held up the talking fish. The parents freaked out and screamed at him to put it back in the lake where it belongs. William started to cry and weep until he thought of an idea. “Well what if I cleaned up the house by myself for me to keep this fish?” His parents thought about it, but after awhile they both just said “No”. William then started to run around cleaning the house like a mad men.
After a few hours of cleaning the house, it was then spotless. The parents thought about it more, and then agreed, but only if he cleans the house by himself for the next month during every weekend. William jumped up and down in joy and became extremely happy. He ran straight towards his magical talking fish, and said to him “I get to keep you! I get to keep you forever!” he exclaimed. His parents still couldn’t believe that they would be keeping a talking fish in their house.
If parents don’t believe their children, then there is no trust between them. Sometimes children tell their parents something, and yet they still don’t believe you, but when you show them what you are talking about then they understand.

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