Monday, October 3, 2011

A letter to Katniss

Author’s note: This is a letter to Katniss Evergreen, from the book Hunger Games. I am a huge fan of her and I like her fighting against the Capital.

Hello Katniss,

Hi Katniss! I am one of your biggest fans! I would like to congratulate you on winning the Hunger Games. You are a great shooter with your arrow, and it was a smart idea to try and protect the ones you love. You shouldn’t have tried to eat the poisonous berries though. That idea did let you win the games, but it wasn’t the smartest idea in the world because it almost killed you. Also it wasn’t the smartest idea because it started the revolution between the districts and the Capital; which then later on started the war.

Did you like shooting back at the Capital, while in the few other districts? Did you shoot back because you wanted to protect everyone, or was it because you were that mad at them? It was extremely kind of you to go into the hospital in District 8 and talk to all of the sick and injured citizens. Haymitch was correct when he told you that everyone looks up to you. People look up to you because you can save mostly everyone’s lives and can stop all of the fighting that’s going on. You can also bring entertainment to places and people that are struggling. So yes I agree with Haymitch when he says that everyone looks up to you. Over time you have learned to handle all of the attention though. Great job on that!

Katniss you shouldn’t have kept lying to everyone about you loving Peeta. Since you pretended, and half the Capital knew that, the Capital therefore captured and tortured him so you would then give up on fighting against them and give up. But instead in the end you help your ground and held your head high. You stayed tough enough to keep him, and the rest of the Districts alive. I know it was a struggle through it all, but you made it out alive. I am sorry about your sister Prim though. It was such a sacrifice and I’m sorry what happened.

You did a great thing on going into the Capital and fighting against them with your team of soldiers. Even though you did lose many friends and teammates, you did a very good job on killing President Snow and Plutarch. That ended the war between everyone. Now you may live your life the way you want it, without worrying about everyone’s safety.

Again, very good job on ending the war and winning the Hunger Games!


Madison Pribyl

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