Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The True Killer

Author's note: Here's a story that I came up with. From my story the perspective will be from two children, out of the six. The perspective is from two children that are twins, and their names are Jason and Jasmine. I am going to write this piece for my District Assessment paper. 

In the midst of the night, almost about two in the morning, it started to drizzle outside the old mansion. The young twins, Jason and Jasmine, woke up startled; not from the rain, but from a terrible nightmare that they somehow had together. This nightmare was about the two of them being captured, and killed.  The twins had no idea where the source of the nightmare originated from, or how they had the same exact dream, but it happened. The thing that they aren't aware of is that they aren't the only children in the world that had the dream. Little did they know, they weren't the only two kids that had somehow created this life-like nightmare that included four other children, all over the world.

The next morning, just after sunrise, the two twins adventured downstairs into the kitchen, where the parents were sipping coffee, to tell their parents their horrendous dream.  "Good morning papa! Good morning mama!" said the twins as one. "Good morning sweethearts. Did you sleep well?" asked the mother who was in her purple pajamas. Jason looked at Jasmine, and they both got wide-eyed while they thought of how to start to explain their dream. Slowly, but steadily, they turned to their half-asleep parents and explained that they had a nightmare together. Their parents then took precautions and got worried.

From there on out, for an hour long, the twins were explaining, or trying to, that frightening vision they had together, and what all happened. When they were finally finished explaining themselves, the parents looked concerned. The father questioned them on who was all in it, what happened to them, and finally if they had ever had the same dream before. The last answer was a no, and that got the parents even more worried. The parents told the children to ignore it all, but it kept happening for the rest of the week; but all of the other times, the kids would act like they were insane, and needed medical help. That’s when they finally packed suitcases, and traveled to a mental institution in South-eastern Carolina.

That very next day they traveled to South Carolina. From there six hour flight, to the parents starting to become cranky from their kids constantly wanting to jump around; they just wanted to get to a hotel, or even the mental hospital and see what the problem was.  As they all traveled in a rental car to the mental hospital, Jasmine  watched Jason start to have a spasm attack, and she then  started to hyperventilate because she was scared of what was happening. The father saw and pressed as hard as he could down on the accelerator to get to the hospital quicker. "Thank gosh there's no cops around" thought the father. After at least 10 minutes, they were finally at the hospital, rushing in, and the mother screaming "HELP! SOMEONE HELP MY CHILDREN!" In the next second a load of nurses came rushing around the corner, and grabbing the children away from the parents and dragging the twins into a room. Jason had finally calmed down, after the nurses gave him a special, shot.  Now he was just plain out dizzy, but yet screaming out to his sister that he saw across the room, trying to breathe from an oxygen tank.

When he tried getting up and walking towards her, he stumbled across the room, like a person that just got finished drinking; Knocking over metals of some sort, and medications.  Just before he reached Jasmine, he stumbled over a table, and feinted, hitting his head on the white, stone-cold floor. When he awoke, he was facing the ceiling and could tell that he was lying in a cold bed, with his arms wrapped around himself. Although he was comfy just lying there, his thoughts slowly seeped back to him, and he remembered that he was in a mental hospital, and something happened to his sister. He shot up quickly from the bed, just to find that his body was connected to so many tubes, and his arms were tied together. When he was searching around the room for his sister, he saw four other children, about his age; possibly a year or two younger or older. There were two boys and two girls separated throughout the room; and they looked restrained, such as himself. Finally, in the corner next to the other two girls, he saw his sleeping sister. Who looked so innocent and sweet while she dreamt. Jason knew he couldn't walk over there, so he called out to Jasmine, but there was no answer. He thought she was just deep in sleep; nothing else to it.

Although he felt as if he was a trapped monkey in a cage, he just stared at the kids in the room with him. He was becoming curious as to why they were here with them, and what they did to have come here in the first place. After about twenty minutes of staring at one boy laying down six feet away from him, the boy turned, and smiled. "Hi. You must be new around here." All Jason could do was stare, but then a minute later nodded slowly. "Well I've been here at least a month. It's boring around here, but I'm glad there are new people around. My name's Robert. Yours?" stated the other boy; who seemed to be older than he looked. "My…My names Jason. Over there is my twin sister Jasmine." he stammered, but felt like adding in the last part, so that the other boy would know that there together. "Twins? That’s different. We haven't had twins in here before." and from there on out, for the next two hours Jason spoke with every sibling in the room, except for his own sister.

Even though Jason is becoming comfortable with the other four kids in the room, he still couldn't shake the feeling of distrust and worry for his sister, and these people. He figured out the names of everyone in the room, and why they were here. Robert and Stephen were the two boys, about his own age, and the two girls names were Angelica and Nicole, about his sister’s age. They were all here for the same reason as Jasmine and him; because of the nightmare and the actions after it. Jason started to wonder where everyone's parents were, but shook off the feeling when his sister finally woke up from her deep sleep, bleary-eyed. She looked confused and frightened, almost in tears, because all of the kids were looking at her. She finally stopped once she placed Jason at the far end of the room, looking at her, with his smile.

In the next several days at being in the hospital, it was the same routine; going into the room to sleep and hangout with the four other kids, eat in the small cafeteria, get shots everyday to calm ourselves down if we start to act strange, and this week the parents were able to come visit. Just, the only difference that day was during the middle of the night, it started to thunderstorm outside of the room that they were staying in. You could see lightening through the window, and it looked like a nasty sight outdoors. Everyone in the room took a deep sigh and turned to face each other. Right after that, Jasmine realized she's seen all of this before. She remembered it from their dream, and after she explained that to Jason, he also remembered it.

Then in the next second, a wailing of a siren went off. Everyone in the room, including Jasmine and Jason, jumped up from their beds. They didn't dare move, because sirens have gone off before, but they were fake alarms. It would take at least ten minutes for the nurses to declare it was fake, so the children waited, and sat back down. Jasmine came close to Jason and whispered "Do you remember this from the dream too? This is scaring me Jason." "I know Jasmine…I know. But I'm right here. I won’t leave you." just then did Robert ask "Is it too quiet in this building, or is it just me?" We were all quiet, because no one knew what to do, or say. "It is awfully quiet out there…has everyone left and forgot us? What happened? Why aren't the nurses saying anything, or checking up on us?" Thought Jason. "Well…I'm going to see what's happening out there. Anyone care to join me?" wondered Stephen. Everyone crept along with him outside the doorway. We all were wondering where everyone was, because we didn't even see one nurse or child in the hallway like we normally do.

After a few minutes, Nicole thought of the idea of splitting us all up into pairs, to cover more ground in the hospital. Everyone agreed because none of us knew what else to do with ourselves. Within twenty minutes, Jasmine and I both were almost on the other side of the hospital. It was a lonely feeling, and every hallway was as dark as the night sky. It was a creepy and nauseous feeling looking through rooms and hallways alone, but we handled it well enough. *BOOM* The thunderstorm outside was still going strong, and it made the night worse. "Should we turn back and look for the others?" Jasmine questioned as she tugged at Jason's arm. He nodded, so they turned back and started to walk the way they came. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me! Help me!" someone close by screamed. Jason started hurtling himself forward as fast as he could, but it wasn't fast enough. When he reached the room where the scream came from, no one was there, except for part of a ripped shirt which looked like Nicole's. "Now I'm completely freaked out." thought Jasmine. They kept moving towards where they traveled from, but one by one, almost every five minutes, we heard a scream. Some of them the twins recognized others they didn't. But every time they reached the location of the scream, something from that person was left behind.

Jasmine started whining, then crying after running around and finding objects that belonged to the people they just got to know. Jason kept trying to sooth her and make her smile, but nothing worked, and he soon gave up and broke down with her. "For some reason", thought Jason, "everyone keeps dying around us and we don’t even know why. Is there a murderer on the lose? Or are they playing a sick minded joke on us?" "How come I've seen all of this in my dream Jason? I don’t like living this nightmare." questioned Jasmine. "Let's just try and find a way out of here before we answer that." answered Jason who all of a sudden had enough courage to stop and think of someway of breaking out of the hospital. "How about we try and find the entrance to this place, and then we'll find some help along the way" Thought Jason out loud.

After an hour of searching throughout the night for the entrance, they finally found it. When they looked outside, it was almost dawn, and the thunderstorm was slowly coming to a halt. They could see the horizon, and the sun peeking out from the clouds above. It looked like it would be an amazing day, once they could get out of this spine-chilling building. After a few minutes of double-checking that no one was around, Jasmine and Jason slowly walked out of the building, until they heard one more shriek of help. Then dead silence walked the halls.

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