Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thank You Ma'am

Author's Note: This is a short response to the short story of "Thank You, Ma'am". This is a point of view, or mind, from the old lady in the story

In the story "Thank You, Ma'am" there is an old woman named Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. She was walking around town one night, and when she turned a corner, she would have thought she would see people or more buildings; no. What she saw was a young man smack into her, trying to grab her purse, or pocketbook.

In her mind I am guessing she would have thought 'Oh my gosh! Give me it back you thief! That is MY pocketbook! HELP ME! HELP ME!' You would have thought she would have acted and said those words right? Wrong. She did the exact opposite. She stood her ground and clung onto that pocketbook of hers and kicked the little boy. She was brave, people might have thought if there were any on lookers around. No one else would have ever thought about behaving that way if someone tried to rob them.

Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was a harsh old lady, but also very kind and caring. She was only harsh to the boy only because she wanted to take him to her house and clean him up. She was hoping that he would gain her trust, such as she had to him. This old lady was just trying to change this young man to become a better person, and to not steal anything ever again. She had hoped that would happen, and she received just that.

After that one night of kind gestures from the old woman, Roger has changed for the ways that he acts. I think Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was a joyful lady for helping the boy, but she will never know how he turned out, because she never once sees him again. People should act more like her, because she is a stern, and caring lady, that helps out complete strangers.

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