Monday, February 6, 2012


Authors note: This is a group book called "Speak" by the author of Laurie Halse Anderson and it has many conflicts with the main character.

My group and I are reading the marvelous novel "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. This book is about a young girl named Melinda and the problems she has been having in her life this past school year. No one knows exactly why she has been acting up; because normally she is a straight A student and used to have many friends. Now she is getting horrible grades (almost failing) and she only has one friend.

Melinda has lost all of her friends, and she is starting to not care about anything. this causes problems with her family and the teachers.
She is going to fail school, unless she helps out with activities such as basketball, then she might be able to get better grades.
IT is Andy Evans and he makes Melinda upset for some reason; just even by looking at her. this causes awkwardness between the two, but no one knows why. Everyone just thinks that they had a fight or something. These conflicts get resolved later on in the story when she makes a friend, and is slowly getting better grades when she is restricted from her parents.

This book is a person-to-person, person-to-self, and person-to-world novel. Melinda is a person-to-self because she keeps everything to herself and hasn’t shared her emotions or thoughts with anyone all year. Lastly, she is person-to-person because she has conflicts within her new friends, and her old ones. Also because of her parents and teachers always bothering her about her school work, this story could possibly relate to other people, if they ever read it.

Conflicts in the story "Speak" by the author of Laurie Halse Anderson, will hopefully be resolved soon enough if she can learn how to keep control over her life, and make it better. if she does not contribute and help herself with her grades, family, and used-to-be friends, she wont get anywhere in life.

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