Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Authors Note: I found this poem and I truely love it.

It is the joyous part of upper schools
For it is cliche no doubt
The way some special someone likes just you
You’re the person they cannot live without

It gives you this little feeling
On the inside of your throat
It can take you on a journey
On a mystical love boat

You never know how long it lasts
So cherish every second
From here to Texas
To India from here
To everywhere

From the holding of the hands
To the holy, gracious kiss
Even for just once in your life
It is something you just can't miss

It kinda makes you noticed
Though it could make you hated
Why don't we just say
It is very complicated

Poem from Natalie W

I may dress the way I want
I may act the ways I like
I may get shot down by others
Though trust me I'll still fly

I may like to explore the yonder
I may count the hands of time
I may wonder what the answers are
Though trust me I'll still fly

I may try and cheat the hours
I may skip through grassy skies
I may dance with whales and dolphins
Though trust me I'll still fly

I may skim through boring books
I may make an off tune lullaby
I may write a story, pen and paper
Though trust me I'll still fly

I may try to make ends meet
I may ask you who what where and why
I may not drink the clearest waters
Though trust me I'll still fly

I may have many fears
I may not want to ride real high
I may put on a fake smile
Though trust me I'll still fly

I may not keep a promise
I may be like this 'til I die
I may not wear my shoes
Though trust me I'll still fly

Haunted House

Ghosts and Monsters
All fake, there's no doubt
Jumping out at you
As you scream with a shout

The dry, old wood
Creaks as you walk

With the taste of dust on your tongue
You can hear quiet voices
wispering about

You can smell the raw smell of death
As it walks beind someone
Someone you know
You call out

Proud of Country

Author’s Note: I will be talking about whether or not I am proud of my country, and the reasons why.

My country is very different from all of the rest of the countries, and I am proud of it. I think everyone should be proud of the United States, because they can make good things happen, instead of bad.

We, the people, the soldiers and the government all protect each other and keep people living, instead of everyone dying. From all of the small wars going on, to people just simply protecting each other it all equals together to make everyone protect each other from threats and dangers. The government comes up with laws to help benefit our safety, and people follow them. Therefore everyone around the world helps each other keep everyone safe and out of harm’s way.

In the United States we are allowed to speak our minds without getting into trouble. Us the Americans have the freedom of speech. The United States also has more freedoms such as, do what we want to do and we could wear anything we want. Although we can practically do anything we wanted, there are some illegal things we aren’t a loud to do. We are all very lucky to live in the country that we live in. In other countries people are not a loud to speak their minds, and aren’t a loud to do whatever they want. Also some countries don’t even allow people to wear whatever they wanted. Other countries are very stricter about everything someone does, while in the United States you could only get into trouble from doing the illegal things.

People come all over the world to live and visit the United States because we have such a fantastic country. Anything can happen, but citizens in the United States always try to make the best of it. People living here should be proud of the United States.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Authors Note: I am writing about the book Frostbite, and the main character in it, Rose.

Rose Hathaway (Rosemarie Hathaway) has dark brown hair, and it sometimes looks like black. She has blue eyes, but they sometimes turn brown. Rose is one of the smallest students there, but she has the most attitude in herself. She causes so much trouble through the years that she has been there, that people expect her to do something reckless that gets her into trouble. Anyone that has ever heard of her is either frightened, or excited that they have met her.

When Rose was first born, she had met her mother, but not her father. Her mother was one of the best guardians, so therefore her mother was never by her. Meanwhile her father is in another city, state or country. No one truly knows because no one has ever seen him in awhile. Rose was placed in the Academy when she turned five. After that she has rarely ever seen her mother and she still hasn’t ever seen her father.
This young 17 year old girl is one of the top rank students at the Academy School. She will soon graduate to be a guardian for a royal. She has already been assigned a royal though, and her name is Lissa Dragomir. Lissa is Rose’s best friend, and practically sister. Lissa is also one of the Moroi princesses, so she needs a guardian at all times when she grows up. Rose and Lissa share a bond together, but the bond only goes one way. So therefore Rose can always see what Lissa is doing and thinking at any time, but Lissa cannot do anything about it. Lissa can though send mind messages through their bond. Two years ago Rose and Lissa had ran away from the Academy for two years because Rose was trying to protect Lissa from the dangers of her spirit powers. After the two years were up the Academy had found them at their college dorm, and forced them to go back and finish the last year of school.

When they finally got back to the school, Rose had to catch up with all of the rest of the guardians-in-training so then she could graduate at the end of the year and then become an actual guardian and protect Lissa. She had to train more than the rest of them, to build back her strength. Rose then met a guardian from Russia named Dimitri. Then she started to have this major crush on him, and she found out after a few weeks that he also had a crush on her. This caused problems between the two of them, but they didn’t care.

Then when they came back from the Academy, Rose had to help prevent four students from being killed from Strigoi and humans. Even though later on they finally got out of the house that they were being held hostage in, Mason, one of the guardians, had been killed trying to protect Rose. Now everyday Rose has nightmares and thinks she is seeing his ghost linger around the Academy school. He apparently wanted something from her, but she can’t figure out what it is. So now she is worried that she is going insane and needed to prove to herself that she wasn’t going insane just because of what had happened.

Lately Rose has been trying to keep everyone around her alive, including herself. But this task is difficult when she already has her own problems and she can’t be protecting everyone at all times, like she used to be able to do. From all of the problems in her life, to all of the problems with protecting Lissa and her friends, her life is complicated and she can’t figure out what to do.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Persuasive Argument paper (gun outlaw)

Authors Note: I am writing this paper to convince the police officers and the government that they should not allow anyone to carry around a gun freely, without getting into trouble.

I have come to notice that the government has passed a law saying that you may carry around a gun out in public, but only if it is in a case, or holster. I predict that there will be more causes of death and tragedy in life between everyone. There are many ways why we shouldn’t be allowed to carry a loaded gun out in public, even if it is covered.

First, it was illegal to buy a gun, unless for hunting, and you still needed a permit and permission to have a gun for hunting. Now the government and the police departments are letting people buy guns and carry them around in gun holsters out in public. Although, people are not allowed to carry the guns around school properties, if wanted to carry a gun by a school, they would have to stay a thousand feet away. Hunters can benefit from carrying around guns, because then they can therefore hunt openly without a permit, until November 1st, but they still question the law and whether or not it’s safe.

Second, if anyone saw you with an armed gun out in public and they don’t feel safe, they would be terribly scared for their life and then run away, so you might not have anyone to talk to if their afraid. I wouldn’t want to be close to anyone that has a loaded hand gun, unless I trusted them. I think it’s pointless that people would carry around guns in holsters out in public, when they could possibly get into trouble from it.

Most importantly, if you ever carried around a loaded gun, you could injure or hurt yourself or anyone around you. You could all of a sudden accidently shoot yourself if carrying the gun in the holster. Or you could accidently pretend to point the gun at someone and then pull the trigger. So I wonder why the government let the law pass, when anyone and possibly everyone could become injured in the process of being shot or injured in the process.

Lastly, I have noticed that the government has come up with the idea of it being okay to carry around guns in public, if in a secure place. With this new law anyone and possibly everyone could become endangered from the possible risks.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A letter to Katniss

Author’s note: This is a letter to Katniss Evergreen, from the book Hunger Games. I am a huge fan of her and I like her fighting against the Capital.

Hello Katniss,

Hi Katniss! I am one of your biggest fans! I would like to congratulate you on winning the Hunger Games. You are a great shooter with your arrow, and it was a smart idea to try and protect the ones you love. You shouldn’t have tried to eat the poisonous berries though. That idea did let you win the games, but it wasn’t the smartest idea in the world because it almost killed you. Also it wasn’t the smartest idea because it started the revolution between the districts and the Capital; which then later on started the war.

Did you like shooting back at the Capital, while in the few other districts? Did you shoot back because you wanted to protect everyone, or was it because you were that mad at them? It was extremely kind of you to go into the hospital in District 8 and talk to all of the sick and injured citizens. Haymitch was correct when he told you that everyone looks up to you. People look up to you because you can save mostly everyone’s lives and can stop all of the fighting that’s going on. You can also bring entertainment to places and people that are struggling. So yes I agree with Haymitch when he says that everyone looks up to you. Over time you have learned to handle all of the attention though. Great job on that!

Katniss you shouldn’t have kept lying to everyone about you loving Peeta. Since you pretended, and half the Capital knew that, the Capital therefore captured and tortured him so you would then give up on fighting against them and give up. But instead in the end you help your ground and held your head high. You stayed tough enough to keep him, and the rest of the Districts alive. I know it was a struggle through it all, but you made it out alive. I am sorry about your sister Prim though. It was such a sacrifice and I’m sorry what happened.

You did a great thing on going into the Capital and fighting against them with your team of soldiers. Even though you did lose many friends and teammates, you did a very good job on killing President Snow and Plutarch. That ended the war between everyone. Now you may live your life the way you want it, without worrying about everyone’s safety.

Again, very good job on ending the war and winning the Hunger Games!


Madison Pribyl