Sunday, October 16, 2011

Persuasive Argument paper (gun outlaw)

Authors Note: I am writing this paper to convince the police officers and the government that they should not allow anyone to carry around a gun freely, without getting into trouble.

I have come to notice that the government has passed a law saying that you may carry around a gun out in public, but only if it is in a case, or holster. I predict that there will be more causes of death and tragedy in life between everyone. There are many ways why we shouldn’t be allowed to carry a loaded gun out in public, even if it is covered.

First, it was illegal to buy a gun, unless for hunting, and you still needed a permit and permission to have a gun for hunting. Now the government and the police departments are letting people buy guns and carry them around in gun holsters out in public. Although, people are not allowed to carry the guns around school properties, if wanted to carry a gun by a school, they would have to stay a thousand feet away. Hunters can benefit from carrying around guns, because then they can therefore hunt openly without a permit, until November 1st, but they still question the law and whether or not it’s safe.

Second, if anyone saw you with an armed gun out in public and they don’t feel safe, they would be terribly scared for their life and then run away, so you might not have anyone to talk to if their afraid. I wouldn’t want to be close to anyone that has a loaded hand gun, unless I trusted them. I think it’s pointless that people would carry around guns in holsters out in public, when they could possibly get into trouble from it.

Most importantly, if you ever carried around a loaded gun, you could injure or hurt yourself or anyone around you. You could all of a sudden accidently shoot yourself if carrying the gun in the holster. Or you could accidently pretend to point the gun at someone and then pull the trigger. So I wonder why the government let the law pass, when anyone and possibly everyone could become injured in the process of being shot or injured in the process.

Lastly, I have noticed that the government has come up with the idea of it being okay to carry around guns in public, if in a secure place. With this new law anyone and possibly everyone could become endangered from the possible risks.

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