Sunday, October 23, 2011


Authors Note: I am writing about the book Frostbite, and the main character in it, Rose.

Rose Hathaway (Rosemarie Hathaway) has dark brown hair, and it sometimes looks like black. She has blue eyes, but they sometimes turn brown. Rose is one of the smallest students there, but she has the most attitude in herself. She causes so much trouble through the years that she has been there, that people expect her to do something reckless that gets her into trouble. Anyone that has ever heard of her is either frightened, or excited that they have met her.

When Rose was first born, she had met her mother, but not her father. Her mother was one of the best guardians, so therefore her mother was never by her. Meanwhile her father is in another city, state or country. No one truly knows because no one has ever seen him in awhile. Rose was placed in the Academy when she turned five. After that she has rarely ever seen her mother and she still hasn’t ever seen her father.
This young 17 year old girl is one of the top rank students at the Academy School. She will soon graduate to be a guardian for a royal. She has already been assigned a royal though, and her name is Lissa Dragomir. Lissa is Rose’s best friend, and practically sister. Lissa is also one of the Moroi princesses, so she needs a guardian at all times when she grows up. Rose and Lissa share a bond together, but the bond only goes one way. So therefore Rose can always see what Lissa is doing and thinking at any time, but Lissa cannot do anything about it. Lissa can though send mind messages through their bond. Two years ago Rose and Lissa had ran away from the Academy for two years because Rose was trying to protect Lissa from the dangers of her spirit powers. After the two years were up the Academy had found them at their college dorm, and forced them to go back and finish the last year of school.

When they finally got back to the school, Rose had to catch up with all of the rest of the guardians-in-training so then she could graduate at the end of the year and then become an actual guardian and protect Lissa. She had to train more than the rest of them, to build back her strength. Rose then met a guardian from Russia named Dimitri. Then she started to have this major crush on him, and she found out after a few weeks that he also had a crush on her. This caused problems between the two of them, but they didn’t care.

Then when they came back from the Academy, Rose had to help prevent four students from being killed from Strigoi and humans. Even though later on they finally got out of the house that they were being held hostage in, Mason, one of the guardians, had been killed trying to protect Rose. Now everyday Rose has nightmares and thinks she is seeing his ghost linger around the Academy school. He apparently wanted something from her, but she can’t figure out what it is. So now she is worried that she is going insane and needed to prove to herself that she wasn’t going insane just because of what had happened.

Lately Rose has been trying to keep everyone around her alive, including herself. But this task is difficult when she already has her own problems and she can’t be protecting everyone at all times, like she used to be able to do. From all of the problems in her life, to all of the problems with protecting Lissa and her friends, her life is complicated and she can’t figure out what to do.

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