Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Proud of Country

Author’s Note: I will be talking about whether or not I am proud of my country, and the reasons why.

My country is very different from all of the rest of the countries, and I am proud of it. I think everyone should be proud of the United States, because they can make good things happen, instead of bad.

We, the people, the soldiers and the government all protect each other and keep people living, instead of everyone dying. From all of the small wars going on, to people just simply protecting each other it all equals together to make everyone protect each other from threats and dangers. The government comes up with laws to help benefit our safety, and people follow them. Therefore everyone around the world helps each other keep everyone safe and out of harm’s way.

In the United States we are allowed to speak our minds without getting into trouble. Us the Americans have the freedom of speech. The United States also has more freedoms such as, do what we want to do and we could wear anything we want. Although we can practically do anything we wanted, there are some illegal things we aren’t a loud to do. We are all very lucky to live in the country that we live in. In other countries people are not a loud to speak their minds, and aren’t a loud to do whatever they want. Also some countries don’t even allow people to wear whatever they wanted. Other countries are very stricter about everything someone does, while in the United States you could only get into trouble from doing the illegal things.

People come all over the world to live and visit the United States because we have such a fantastic country. Anything can happen, but citizens in the United States always try to make the best of it. People living here should be proud of the United States.

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