Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letter to Melinda

Author’s Note: This is a letter from Rachelle to Melinda about “IT” or Andy Evans. This letter talks about how Rachelle didn’t know what happened, and how sorry she must have felt after she found out about Melinda being raped from Andy Evans, without her knowing.

Dear Melinda,

I’m sorry for everything you have been through the past year. You never told me what happened to you! I thought you just called the cops because we were all drinking. I mean, if it got out of hand, then I would have understood why. But I was having so much fun talking to those older guys! I thought you were having fun too. Then all of a sudden the next minute I was heading home, so I wouldn’t get caught by the cops.

I should never have broken up our friendship because of that little incident. I overreacted and I am terribly upset for how I have been treating you this school year. A true friend would have asked why you called the cops, because there must’ve been a true good reason; and now I know why. I cannot believe Andy raped you! He is just a stupid jerk. Even after you wrote that note that I thought you lied about, I still wasn’t convinced he was a bad guy. How could I have been that stupid? At least I broke up with him, once I found out what he did to you. I guess all of the girls are right about him; I was just too blind to see it.

I am so sorry for everything that you’ve been through lately! I should have been there for you. I hope you forgive me, but you probably won’t because you haven’t talked to me sense. Anyways I hope you’re content with yourself now because you are finally getting attention and making friends again, even if it did hurt my relationship status. Andy Evans should not have ever raped you, or even touched you or any other girl like that, for that matter. You did the right thing by calling the cops, but I wish you would have at least explained to me what happened.

Melinda I wish that had never happened to you. If it didn’t, then we might still be best friends, unlike now, when we are enemies. I’m sorry Andy hurt you, and then almost hurt you again at the end of the year. I wish I could have seen it coming, but I didn’t. So I’m sorry. Now I finally understand why you called the cops, and no one should hate you for that. I hope we can be friends again Melinda.


Future or Past?

Author’s note: This is a prediction essay for my group book Speak. In this piece I will be predicting how the main character will act later on in the future, compared to how she acted during the school year.

Melinda was a frightened, lonesome high school girl that has been acting up with her education. No one knows why exactly, but by the end of this novel of Speak everyone finds out why she has been quiet and not herself. I predict that Melinda will change even more than she already has, in the future of high school.

I predict that Melinda will change her attitude later on in the story or in the future for the next few years of high-school. By the end of the novel Speak Melinda did finally change how she acted, how she looked, and even how she treated others. Therefore by doing that, she finally stuck with one true friend, and is slowly building up more. I hope she will even learn to care about her grades and make even more friends later on.

One reason why I chose this prediction is because when Melinda was in a tough situation by the end of the book, she learned that she can stick up for herself, and say what’s on her mind. Sometimes she stays like she used to be, but now on she has mostly been hanging out with people, and getting more involved with talking, and hanging out at school events. Also by sticking up for herself more often, she might get into a tough spot again, with bullying or losing her friends, but hopefully she won’t go back to the way she was.

Another reason why I chose the prediction is because Melinda is slowly building friendships again with her used-to-be best friends. During the novel, she made one friend, but she found out that this girl named Heather, her friend, was just using her for her creativeness. Melinda learned how to drop their friendship, and start new ones. Heather wasn’t such a great friend because she also dropped their friendship to join a group called the “Martha’s”. I think Melinda will make even more friends later on during the year, or in the next few years, because of who she is, and how she acts.

In the story Speak the different characters have learned, such as Heather, Nicole, Rachelle and of course, Melinda. They all changed in many different ways. I predict that Melinda, the main character, will change even more than she has, in the future. By the end of this novel, Melinda has changed how she acted, and she has spoken up for herself a few times. In the future I hope, and predict, that she will change in ways that are good enough to make her happy.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Man or Woman?

Author’s Note: This is a creative writing piece for the writing rubric. It is about a person that kills innocent people living in the same neighborhood as the killer; but there’s a twist in this story; the killer is a woman.

There have been skin crawling stories that give you chills or goose bumps on the news lately, about a few suicides around the neighborhood. No one knows why these enlightening, positive, kind people would have gotten depressed all of a sudden and hurt themselves. But it was obvious there were pretending about everything.

One frightening evening, a woman was watching her three year-old boy in her massive kitchen; with her white tiles on the floor that were so clean you could look at yourself in them, and the tan paint on the walls; when all of a sudden she hears a “Bringggggg Bringggggg” of her annoying door-bell. She carefully sets down her son in his worn out wooden stool, and walks to the front door. When she opens it up, she sees one of her neighbors standing outside the door. The neighbor quickly looks up and gives an apologetic smile.

“Hey there neighbor! What brings you to my household?” says the enthusiastic mother.

“Oh. I am sorry if I am interrupting anything. I was just wondering if I could have my movie back that you borrowed. Is that alright?” asks the tired and nervous man.

The mother notices the nervousness in the neighbors tone, but lets it slide. “I bet he’s just thinking he is bothering me” “Of course you can have your movie back! I mean it is your movie and all. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to handing it back over quite yet. As you can tell, I’ve been busy with my son.”

“That’s fine.” There was a long pause….”May I come in and grab it?”

“Oh right. Sorry! Come in. Come in. The movie is by the T.V. over in that room.”

The mother points in the direction of the dim-lighted room with the plat-screen T.V. She thinks there is something not quite right about this visit, but she blows it out of her mind because she thinks she is acting silly. The neighbor quietly walks into the dim-lighted room and looks around for the movie. That’s when the mother finally understands what has been bothering her about this visit.

“Wait...I thought my husband took it over to your home last night after we watched the movie?”

“Oh, right. He did! But does that mean I have to leave now?” wonders the suspicious neighbor.

“I am afraid I’m going to ask you to leave. I need to take care of my son….” Now says the nervous mother.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.” The man quickly brings out a knife from under his gray, torn sleeve. “Now please. Don’t make this difficult. Go into that kitchen of yours and say goodbye to your son. Then call your husband and also say goodbye. Don’t tell them anything that’s going to happen. Or I will kill you this instant.” Then the worst thing that the neighbor did was smile at the mother! The woman couldn’t believe what was happening. She started to shake and almost shrieked with fear, but apparently the neighbor sensed that, and shook his head. “Tisk, Tisk. I thought you could behave.”

All of a sudden the neighbor sprints to the woman, and stabs her in the side. The woman goes down on her knees with tears glistening down her cheeks. Now, there is a pool of blood surrounding the woman, with her wet salty tears mixing into it. The poor woman lets out one last gasp before she fully dies. The man then walks out of their house and strides back home.

On the evening of that very night, the news caught hold of what happened. They televised that this mother was murdered by being stabbed in the side of the stomach. “From what the husband said, she was just watching their son a few minutes before he left for work.” And “This is not like the other murders that have happened in that neighborhood, but the FBI is searching into it more.” It was true. The FBI is searching into it more, but they didn’t know whether or not the killings were all related.

Apparently one detective had a gut-feeling about these cases and sensed that they were all related somehow. He went straight to the head manager of the agency and told him what he thought. The manager disagreed, but told the police officer to stay on the case and learn more about what all happened. Then he was sent off to say what was on his mind, and see if it all was truly true.

Meanwhile the killer is still on the loose, and no one knows who killed all of the innocent people living in that very same neighborhood as the killer. The killer is literally smiling at the news that he has heard. But then, after seeing the news, he undresses, and turns back into a 40 year old woman. All this time she was a “he” so no one would know who has done all of the killings.

At the police station the detective has figured out that the “suicides” were actually killings when he looked at the pictures of the homes and victims. He saw small bruises that looked like fingertips, by the wrists. When he told his boss, then everyone started to believe. Everyone then dropped what they were doing and searched more about the killings. They each got a family to interview again, and they started from scratch from there.

The next day the police, and FBI found a few addresses that were all close by the murders. Therefore the FBI took charge and ordered everyone to put on their vests, grab their guns and search the houses for any clues or people that might help out. Just an hour later they all arrived at each of the houses and searched the premises.

*Knock Knock* goes the door of the woman’s house.

She quietly gets up off of her couch, turns off the television, and stomps to the front door. She looks through the peep-hole and sees that there were four policemen standing there waiting patiently. Oh no! Have they already found out that I’m the killer? How could they have? I didn’t leave any evidence behind!!

The woman quickly turns around on the back of her heels, and darts to the basement. She’s starting to panic. She has nowhere to hide. She thought she wouldn’t ever be caught. She thought she made sure that no one could find her!

*knock knock* “Miss we know you’re in there. Please don’t try to escape. We will find you. All we want to do is talk about the suicides in your neighborhood lately. Please answer your door.” The policemen walk to the window and try and look in. The window is covered. He tries to open it. It is locked with about three bolts, which he sees. “You guys…knock down the door! I think this is it!” In the next second of him saying that, one of the other cops kicks down the doorframe and rams himself into the door. They are finally in.

They search the house and find the woman locked up in a small room. It takes about an hour of them to open the steel door, but when they do, she turns into her killing type, and tries to hurt one of the officers. They pull up their guns and are about ready to shoot, when the woman just sits down on the cold, dusty stone floor. “she gave up that easily?” wonders one of the cops.

When they travel back to the police station to fully arrest her, she starts to cry and wine. The policemen get annoyed and tell her to stop. She does it harder and harder every time, until the policemen are about to scream at her. But then all of a sudden she shuts up when she gets out of the car and starts to stalk up the sidewalk, to her new jail cell.

“When I get out of here, all I’m going to do it kill more and more people each time. Just beware.” She smiles evilly and then walks into her new jail cell to never be seen again for the next 25 years. But is this the end of the killings? Or will she live to the day she gets released?

Friday, February 10, 2012

life goes on

Author’s Note: My group book “Speak” by the author of Laurie Halse Anderson has written an interesting quote in her novel. A great quote that I had found was “Life goes on”. I want to choose this quote for my writing piece for my Inference goal.

An interesting quote in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson that I have found while reading was "life goes on". This quote has been around the world, and I bet everyone thinks differently on this subject. But to Melinda, the main character in the novel, has found out one of the true meanings of this saying, or quote.

During the story of the 14 year-old girl named Melinda, she has been having troubles in her life. But all she can do, or think about, is that life will go on eventually, even if it does not entertain and make her happy. All she can hope for is that her life will hopefully become better quickly, that way she won't have to worry or become upset over so many things. Even when her grades are dropping, she lost all of her friends, and her family doesn’t quite care about anything anymore, she really doesn’t have much. But all she can do is make her life go on.

What do you think when you see or hear the quote "life goes on"? To other people, I bet they think that they will live longer. On the other hand, to me, I personally believe that, that quote describes Melinda and everyone else in the world. Life does go on, even if you don’t enjoy it. No matter how hard you try to pause time and enjoy what you have, you may lose it all, but yet life will keep going on. It may possibly become much better, or worse. People just have to live through it, and enjoy what they have.

Sometimes people will think that life is too short. People should make mistakes in their lives, laugh endlessly, get upset once in awhile, because it’s all part of life. I mean, you only live once, so why not use the best of it? People should cherish what they have, instead of what they want or don’t have. More often people should take care and love for the things they have received and be lucky for their friends and family members.

With the quote “life goes on” there are many different definitions that everyone could think of if they have said, or heard of this quote. No matter what you do to either make your life better, or worse, your life will always keep on traveling forward. If you’re not happy with your life, just change it and move on. Then hopefully later on at some point in time, your life will become much better.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Authors note: This is a group book called "Speak" by the author of Laurie Halse Anderson and it has many conflicts with the main character.

My group and I are reading the marvelous novel "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. This book is about a young girl named Melinda and the problems she has been having in her life this past school year. No one knows exactly why she has been acting up; because normally she is a straight A student and used to have many friends. Now she is getting horrible grades (almost failing) and she only has one friend.

Melinda has lost all of her friends, and she is starting to not care about anything. this causes problems with her family and the teachers.
She is going to fail school, unless she helps out with activities such as basketball, then she might be able to get better grades.
IT is Andy Evans and he makes Melinda upset for some reason; just even by looking at her. this causes awkwardness between the two, but no one knows why. Everyone just thinks that they had a fight or something. These conflicts get resolved later on in the story when she makes a friend, and is slowly getting better grades when she is restricted from her parents.

This book is a person-to-person, person-to-self, and person-to-world novel. Melinda is a person-to-self because she keeps everything to herself and hasn’t shared her emotions or thoughts with anyone all year. Lastly, she is person-to-person because she has conflicts within her new friends, and her old ones. Also because of her parents and teachers always bothering her about her school work, this story could possibly relate to other people, if they ever read it.

Conflicts in the story "Speak" by the author of Laurie Halse Anderson, will hopefully be resolved soon enough if she can learn how to keep control over her life, and make it better. if she does not contribute and help herself with her grades, family, and used-to-be friends, she wont get anywhere in life.