Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Future or Past?

Author’s note: This is a prediction essay for my group book Speak. In this piece I will be predicting how the main character will act later on in the future, compared to how she acted during the school year.

Melinda was a frightened, lonesome high school girl that has been acting up with her education. No one knows why exactly, but by the end of this novel of Speak everyone finds out why she has been quiet and not herself. I predict that Melinda will change even more than she already has, in the future of high school.

I predict that Melinda will change her attitude later on in the story or in the future for the next few years of high-school. By the end of the novel Speak Melinda did finally change how she acted, how she looked, and even how she treated others. Therefore by doing that, she finally stuck with one true friend, and is slowly building up more. I hope she will even learn to care about her grades and make even more friends later on.

One reason why I chose this prediction is because when Melinda was in a tough situation by the end of the book, she learned that she can stick up for herself, and say what’s on her mind. Sometimes she stays like she used to be, but now on she has mostly been hanging out with people, and getting more involved with talking, and hanging out at school events. Also by sticking up for herself more often, she might get into a tough spot again, with bullying or losing her friends, but hopefully she won’t go back to the way she was.

Another reason why I chose the prediction is because Melinda is slowly building friendships again with her used-to-be best friends. During the novel, she made one friend, but she found out that this girl named Heather, her friend, was just using her for her creativeness. Melinda learned how to drop their friendship, and start new ones. Heather wasn’t such a great friend because she also dropped their friendship to join a group called the “Martha’s”. I think Melinda will make even more friends later on during the year, or in the next few years, because of who she is, and how she acts.

In the story Speak the different characters have learned, such as Heather, Nicole, Rachelle and of course, Melinda. They all changed in many different ways. I predict that Melinda, the main character, will change even more than she has, in the future. By the end of this novel, Melinda has changed how she acted, and she has spoken up for herself a few times. In the future I hope, and predict, that she will change in ways that are good enough to make her happy.

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