Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letter to Melinda

Author’s Note: This is a letter from Rachelle to Melinda about “IT” or Andy Evans. This letter talks about how Rachelle didn’t know what happened, and how sorry she must have felt after she found out about Melinda being raped from Andy Evans, without her knowing.

Dear Melinda,

I’m sorry for everything you have been through the past year. You never told me what happened to you! I thought you just called the cops because we were all drinking. I mean, if it got out of hand, then I would have understood why. But I was having so much fun talking to those older guys! I thought you were having fun too. Then all of a sudden the next minute I was heading home, so I wouldn’t get caught by the cops.

I should never have broken up our friendship because of that little incident. I overreacted and I am terribly upset for how I have been treating you this school year. A true friend would have asked why you called the cops, because there must’ve been a true good reason; and now I know why. I cannot believe Andy raped you! He is just a stupid jerk. Even after you wrote that note that I thought you lied about, I still wasn’t convinced he was a bad guy. How could I have been that stupid? At least I broke up with him, once I found out what he did to you. I guess all of the girls are right about him; I was just too blind to see it.

I am so sorry for everything that you’ve been through lately! I should have been there for you. I hope you forgive me, but you probably won’t because you haven’t talked to me sense. Anyways I hope you’re content with yourself now because you are finally getting attention and making friends again, even if it did hurt my relationship status. Andy Evans should not have ever raped you, or even touched you or any other girl like that, for that matter. You did the right thing by calling the cops, but I wish you would have at least explained to me what happened.

Melinda I wish that had never happened to you. If it didn’t, then we might still be best friends, unlike now, when we are enemies. I’m sorry Andy hurt you, and then almost hurt you again at the end of the year. I wish I could have seen it coming, but I didn’t. So I’m sorry. Now I finally understand why you called the cops, and no one should hate you for that. I hope we can be friends again Melinda.


1 comment:

  1. Yay! Those few little edits I recommended for you made it fit together so well! I really like the way that you put it in Rachelle's perspective! Nice!
