Friday, February 10, 2012

life goes on

Author’s Note: My group book “Speak” by the author of Laurie Halse Anderson has written an interesting quote in her novel. A great quote that I had found was “Life goes on”. I want to choose this quote for my writing piece for my Inference goal.

An interesting quote in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson that I have found while reading was "life goes on". This quote has been around the world, and I bet everyone thinks differently on this subject. But to Melinda, the main character in the novel, has found out one of the true meanings of this saying, or quote.

During the story of the 14 year-old girl named Melinda, she has been having troubles in her life. But all she can do, or think about, is that life will go on eventually, even if it does not entertain and make her happy. All she can hope for is that her life will hopefully become better quickly, that way she won't have to worry or become upset over so many things. Even when her grades are dropping, she lost all of her friends, and her family doesn’t quite care about anything anymore, she really doesn’t have much. But all she can do is make her life go on.

What do you think when you see or hear the quote "life goes on"? To other people, I bet they think that they will live longer. On the other hand, to me, I personally believe that, that quote describes Melinda and everyone else in the world. Life does go on, even if you don’t enjoy it. No matter how hard you try to pause time and enjoy what you have, you may lose it all, but yet life will keep going on. It may possibly become much better, or worse. People just have to live through it, and enjoy what they have.

Sometimes people will think that life is too short. People should make mistakes in their lives, laugh endlessly, get upset once in awhile, because it’s all part of life. I mean, you only live once, so why not use the best of it? People should cherish what they have, instead of what they want or don’t have. More often people should take care and love for the things they have received and be lucky for their friends and family members.

With the quote “life goes on” there are many different definitions that everyone could think of if they have said, or heard of this quote. No matter what you do to either make your life better, or worse, your life will always keep on traveling forward. If you’re not happy with your life, just change it and move on. Then hopefully later on at some point in time, your life will become much better.

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