Thursday, March 29, 2012

Big Yellow Taxi & Field Below response

Author's note: I am going to do a short response to the two poems of Big Yellow Taxi, by Joni Mitchell and then the other poem of Field Below by Regina Spektor.

In the two interesting poems, they both relate to each other because they both are missing something to do with nature, or where they used to live. The poems both are depressing or sad, for the tone, while in the mood of the poems, they both are sad, or feeling alone. Both poems miss something, and they can't possibly get it back. You don't know what you have, until it's gone.

When I listened to both of the songs for the poems. The poem Big Yellow Taxi, was more up-beet and energetic and happy. While when I listened to the song Field Below, it was still a depressing sound, like it sounded in the poem. Therefore possibly the true meaning in Big Yellow Taxi isn't supposed to be depressing, but just telling a story of a young person, still happy, but missing something. On the other hand, the Field Below poem was just like the song, because it was a saddened story, or depressing, and the music was slow and meaningful.

I believe that the author's of the two poems did a great job, but when it came to the music, they should have changed it. The Big Yellow Taxi music should have been slower, like I expected it to be, because of the tone and mood of the poem. For the Field Below poem, the music was perfectly fine, because it was some-what of a depressing, slow song that fits to the poem. I believe that both of the author's did a good job on all of it, and I especially like how they relate to each other.

1 comment:

  1. When you're adding a quote from anything, even if it fits into what you're writing, you're still referring to it. So, put quotes around the....well...quote, that way the reader can get why you said, what you said (it helps keeps the reader on the same page as you). Also, (according to Mrs.Reagles' say for my pieces) you should put quotation marks around the title too instead of making it bold.

    Other than those little things, I like your perspective on it. It's different than a lot of peoples which makes this more interesting compared to some of the other ones I read.
