Monday, March 12, 2012

is she dead or alive?

Author’s note: This is a word choice and description about a girl named Shari Cooper from the novel Remember Me, by the author of Christopher Pike.

A senior in high-school that has just figured out what she wanted to do with her life, and who she wants to spend it with. This five-foot four; eighteen year-old has dark blond hair that she wore at shoulders length in layered waves. Her eyes were bright and green as the grass during spring day, and her straight-toothed white glistening smile won “best smile” in her junior year in high-school; with her big cherry lip glossed lips. The last night she was alive she wore a plain yellow t-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans, with blue Nikes sneakers. Most girls were jealous of her looks, but she thought she was just average looking, like any other girl in the world.

In the midst of having a dare-devil, and cheating boyfriend named Daniel, she also has to take care of her sleep-walking, six-foot two, brown curly haired brother; With his wacked-out black shining haired girlfriend. Yet, she has another problem. She is dead. Splat! Someone had pushed her down a balcony at a party one night, and now her life is ruined. Even though she is a ghost roaming around earth, she still takes care of her family and friends, with her true love that has died a few years ago, the charming, pro-baseball player, college student young man named Peter.

Throughout the adventurous few days that she was scared to death, she had found the answers she was searching for, thanks to very own “superman”, or Peter; who has given her all of her answers. While she walks the empty streets of California, she finds her investigator for her murder scene and follows him back to the apartment where she had died. Night mares come rushing back into her head while she comes up with ideas of what all happened. The nightmares are so terrible that she starts to tear-up, just like a leaking water faucet.

On that very night of the party and murder, she had talked to spirits or ghosts thanks to her best friend Jo. They had used her body to communicate with them, and that scared the crap out of her. She lay down on her back and the people at the party pretended that she had died, so it could start up the ghost communication. Apparently it had worked, because a few minutes later, one spirit that everyone recognized, had talked through her, to them. The spirits name was Peter that had died two years ago, from a truck running over him. The young high school girl was so frightened; she woke up from the trance, and ran out of the room crying, onto the balcony, where she had died a few minutes later.

This young girls view of what all happened had frightened her to death, but she finally understands what had all happened. Someone had pushed her. This strong and brave teenager went through a lot, and all she asked for in return was to be remembered. She was remembered as the young, popular, beautiful eighteen year-old woman named Shari Cooper.

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