Friday, March 9, 2012

Remember Me

Author’s note: The book Remember Me by Christopher Pike, has one main theme to it, but there are also others. Here is an essay of one of the themes, such as Bravery.

Shari Cooper was just an eighteen year-old senior in high school, when her life flashed before her eyes, and ended. She doesn’t quite know how she died, except that she has fallen head first into cement, from a four story building. Everyone thinks she has committed suicide, but in fact, she had not. She becomes brave and chooses to seek out who had killed her, even though she is now dead to the world.

When Shari had died, she didn’t know anything about what was going on. She had to find her way through what had happened to her and how she can comfort her family members, to let them know she’s alright. “I’m told everything’s going to be fine. But I have to wonder what I would have done with my life, who I might have been. That’s what saddens me most about dying. I’ll never know.” In that quote it shows that she finally has overcome her fears and has moved on that she is now a ghost, and that she can only walk among the living.

Between her trying to find her murderer, and trying to figure out who to be now, and where to go, she also has a dilemma. She must hide and run from The Shadow. The Shadow is a monstrous creature that preys upon ghost souls. It seeks into their hearts and scares almost every ghost there is, until you concur your fear and stick up for yourself. Shari did stick up for herself because she learned how to be brave enough to go straight up to her personal Shadow and learn why this creature was haunting her.

In another novel that I am currently reading, the main character Prudence Galewski from Deadly is yet another story that has a theme of bravery. Just like in the book Remember Me, the theme is bravery because Prudence has followed her heart and found a job working with all older men, and she gets to work with sicknesses and bacteria’s. Everyone around her seems to disagree that she has made the wrong choice; that she should have stayed in school and became a typist, like almost every other girl has become. Instead she skipped out of school and followed her dream of helping other people become healthy.

As you can see in both novels the themes revolve around bravery for the main characters, and how they have overcome how they feel. Even though Shari Cooper has died in the book Remember Me, she still lives among the living and has overcome fears of her own. Since she has faced The Shadow and fought to finally figure out that she is dead, and how she died, she can now be ready to move on with her so-called life.

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